TNO Pension Fund wins award for sustainable investments
TNO Pension Fund wins award for sustainable investments
On 28 November 2024, TNO Pension Fund received the VBDO Responsible Investment by Dutch Pension Funds Award from the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO).
As in previous years, VBDO conducted a benchmark among the largest pension funds. TNO Pension Fund participates in this every year. This year, the methodology of the benchmark has been changed. The study is now more thorough and has a more comprehensive approach, assessing funds on four key and weighty criteria: governance, strategic asset allocation (SAA), portfolio and individual investments. In addition, the benchmark has become a biennial study.
New: leaders by category
The top performers of the 2024 benchmark among 47 pension funds were announced during the VBDO seminar at FNV. TNO Pension Fund also received an award in recognition of being the leader when it comes to responsible investment in the small pension fund category.
Opinion of VBDO
About the winners, VBDO commented: ‘These leading companies not only raise the standard in responsible investing, but also demonstrate how sustainable practices can transform the financial sector. These pension funds have shown exceptional commitment to good governance and responsible asset management.’
TNO Pension Fund and sustainability
TNO Pension Fund has been committed to making an impact with sustainability in its investment portfolio for years. Every year, valuable steps are made in this regard. ‘The recognition that we are leading in this area compared to other pension funds of a similar size is something of which we are certainly proud,’ Henco van Ommeren, chair of the ESG committee, tells IANS. ‘Of course, we will continue to work on making our investments more sustainable, because it has our continuous attention.’
Would you like to know more? Read more about our investment policy (in Dutch) and view TNO Pension Fund’s sustainability information. You can find more information about the benchmark on the VBDO website.