More countries excluded from investments

2024-03-05T18:19:46+02:005 februari 2024|

TNO Pension Fund does not invest in certain countries. The country exclusion policy was further refined in December 2023, resulting in the exclusion of an additional 51 countries. In addition to not investing in government bonds issued by countries sanctioned by the European Union and/or United Nations for violating international treaties, TNO Pension Fund also no longer invests in [...]

Representing the interests of pension beneficiaries

2024-03-05T18:18:40+02:0028 januari 2024|

A seat will soon become available on the TNO Pension Fund Board. This concerns a seat for a pension beneficiary. If the fund had pension beneficiaries’ email addresses, those pension beneficiaries were informed of this by email* on Friday, 26 January. Pension beneficiaries for whom the fund does not have an email address received a letter. The Board has [...]

Results up to the fourth quarter of 2023

2024-03-05T18:17:25+02:0026 januari 2024|

Assets and liabilities of the risk-based pension fund scheme Rounded up, the value of the pension fund’s risk-based scheme assets as at end December 2023 was €3,766 million. Compared with year-end 2022 (€3,431 million), this represents an increase of €355 million. The market value of the liabilities stood at €3,119 million at end December 2023. This means an increase [...]

The pension scheme as of 1 January 2024

2024-03-05T18:15:28+02:0022 december 2023|

What will change in the pension scheme as of 1 January 2024? An overview of all the changes is given below. The 2024 employment conditions are known, which means that the 2024 pension scheme is also known. After all, your pension is an employment condition. Since the end of the five-year contribution agreement in 2020, the TNO social partners [...]

0% pension indexation since 1 January 2024

2024-03-05T18:11:32+02:0015 december 2023|

Pensions have not been indexed since 1 January 2024. It is not possible to increase pensions in line with price increases as, unlike in other years, according to the fund’s benchmark, prices fell (CPI derivative October-October). What’s the reason for this? First of all, we must adhere to various legal guidelines. If we are to index your pension in [...]

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