Reminder: complete the survey for your pension

Reminder: complete the survey for your pension

Please complete the questionnaire today: see the link in the reminder email of 11 April. We need to know how much risk we can take when investing your pension capital. TNO Pension Fund is researching this together with Ipsos. You have until Friday 19 April 2024 to give your opinion.

The fund wants to find out how much risk can be taken with your pension money investments. The results of this survey will be important for determining the investment policy in the new pension scheme.

The Netherlands has had a new pension system in place since 01 July 2023. The TNO Pension Fund pension scheme will also change as a result of this system. Most pension funds are planning to switch to the new pension system in the period 2025 to 2027. We expect to do so in 2026, and preparations are currently in full swing. This survey marks an important next step in this process, so your participation is important and highly valued.

Basis for our investment policy
In the new system, it remains important that pension assets are invested so that pension payments can keep pace with inflation, among other things. To ensure the new pension scheme reflects what you want as closely as possible and to maximise expected pension benefits for you, TNO Pension Fund would like to find out how much risk can be taken when investing your pension money. TNO Pension Fund is therefore conducting a survey into your opinion on this matter. The results of this survey are important for the board of the fund to determine the investment policy.

If you have any questions about this survey, please send them in an e-mail to

Previous survey
Just over two years ago, TNO Pension Fund conducted another survey into the extent to which participants are willing and able to accept risk, and how they view, among other things, the degree of solidarity among participants. The survey revealed some important insights. It was one of the reasons the so-called solidarity scheme was chosen in the new pension system.

It has now become clearer how this scheme will work in practice. An important element of this scheme is the solidarity reserve. It can play a very effective role during the benefit phase to limit benefit reductions, without this being at the expense of the accrued capital of employees and former employees. As a result, more risks can be taken in terms of investment returns than would be acceptable without such a reserve.

The previous survey included a slider with which those taking part could indicate which possible pension outcomes suited them best. The new survey basically consists of choices between two possible outcomes. You will be asked what your preferred outcome is.