TNO Pension Fund transition plan finalised

TNO Pension Fund transition plan finalised

Employer TNO and employees have agreed on new pension rules. On 3 February, the Executive Board of TNO definitively adopted the Transition Plan for TNO Pension Fund.

The transition plan is an important milestone on the way to the new pension scheme. After all, the new Future Pensions Act came into effect on 1 July 2023. This new law changes all pension schemes in the Netherlands. The TNO Pension Fund pension scheme will also change as a result of this new law. The social partners (Works Council and the TNO Board) agreed on the new scheme and its basic criteria. These agreements are set out in the transition plan. That transition plan applies to TNO and, in principle, also to the other member companies of TNO Pension Fund.

Agreements on the new pension scheme
The transition plan contains all the agreements reached by the social partners on the new pension scheme. In the plan, for example, you will read more about:

  • When the new pension scheme will take effect
  • What the new rules will roughly look like
  • The conversion of the accrued pensions to the new rules
  • The fairest possible transition from the old rules to the new rules

You can view the transition plan. You can also find this document on the ‘Documents’ page of our website under the ‘New Pension System’ section.

The new pension scheme takes effect next year
We will need a bit more time to further prepare the new scheme. If all goes according to plan, the new pension scheme will take effect on 1 July 2026. Until then, and also thereafter, we will keep you informed of the follow-up steps on the website, in news mailings and our magazine, Life & Pension.

You can find more information about the developments in the Special The New Pension System and TNO Pension Fund. You can also rewatch the webinar from 4 February 2025 (with English subtitles). In that webinar, we explained what we have already done and what steps we will be taking in the coming period.